The farce behind “high value men”

The Andrew Huberman accusations got me to finally talk about something that has been bugging me for years now. **WARNING: sassy rant ahead**

Let’s amend that term already, shall we? Seriously, the terms “high value man” and “high value woman” make me cringe — how subjective! I mean, not everyone views the term “high value” in the same way. Thus, it is a strereotype, almost a caricature of what we deem a desireable man to be these days. So, let’s talk about that most secular definition of what a high value man is: A) one that is at least attractive to the majority of people (add to that, fit body and over 5'10 for specifics outside of facial qualities), B) makes a good living (+$100k/year) and C) has a personality/charm to him which is essential for those around him to even gain the consideration of him being high value in the first place. Andrew and the likes of him out there in public view right now fit that proverbial definition of “high value men.”

Now, let’s get into the weeds of the issue: sex. Pardon if I am number 100,498,385 person on the internet to use the tossed-around phrase “80% of women are sleeping with 20% of the men in this country.”, but pretty much ALL those 20% would fit into the stereotypical definition of “high value men”. All of these qualities make for getting women a lot easier. Thus, fitting that proverbial definition of “high value” means you can get a lot of women — but, in my critial-thinking book, it doesn’t mean you should. But do these men hold back? Nope. In a culture of sexual gratification — even if you are a straight male espousing conservative values — you still give into premarital sex. That reminds me of a comment I left on Adam Sosnik’s video:

Therin lies a cognitive dissonence on mass societal scale with no one seeming to ask my blunt question: why would being a man whore be high value? Ever since those pitiful high value phrases trended their way into our vernacular, I’ve been giving a strong side-eye towards dating culture. Andrew: just because you can get multiple ass at the same time, doesn’t mean you should. I passionately wrote an exposé on the subject of half-hearted love in this country which is due so much in part to the 20%/80% phenomenon I mentioned in the last paragraph.

Therin lies a cognitive dissonence on mass societal scale with no one seeming to ask my blunt question: why would being a man whore be high value? Ever since those pitiful high value phrases trended their way into our vernacular, I’ve been giving a strong side-eye towards dating culture. Andrew: just because you can get multiple ass at the same time, doesn’t mean you should. I passionately wrote an exposé on the subject of half-hearted love in this country which is due so much in part to the 20%/80% phenomenon I mentioned in the last paragraph.

Ew. Gross. I mean, come on guys — think about the numbers racked up with these man whores. A Dan Bilzerian clip just came to mind right now — yikes! Mind you, womanizing Dan amassed his wealth in a pitiful “low value” way (just like Andrew Tate) and he is not easy on the eyes [mine at least]. Nonetheless, he would be deemed high value in our surface-thinking society because he can get women and rolls in dough to spoil these women in return for their “services.” These men are, in essence, bringing down their value by not having self control and bonding with one women. Sewing your wild oats for years on end is disgusting and juvenile. Andrew might be engineer/professor/podcaster/health guru (and I LOVE his videos btw — fascinating!) but he has a deficit to him: he is just like the other dudes who can’t master their lust. Andrew, BE DIFFERENT. Same goes for that other Andrew (Tate), those Fresh n Fit podcast bros and you, too, Justin Waller. I could name several in this cespool. The saddest part is that so many men out there think this is part of the high value man “package”: If I can and DO SLEEP with all these women then it must mean I’m high value!

I hate using the umbrella term “toxic masculinity” because I think it chastises men for just having male qualities that are a net positive to society but, in this particualr case, this is a net negative because, dear men, you are not weilding your sexual marketplace power in a productive way. You are having years of sterile sex with women who are not your wife — peel back the layers of logic, you know how BETA that is ?? Am I allowed to ask how many abortions are paid for by these men or did I just cross a bar? Think about it.

By restricting access to your fleshly desires, then you would be the TRUE definition of a high value: a man who can get any woman he wants but holds back because he has a MORAL SPINE. Self control — what a concept. Think about it: you pride yourself in self discipline and delayed gratifiction in every other area of your life — your career ladder, your fitness, your diet— except for when it comes to sex. Andrew Huberman is a statuesque, ruggedly attractive intellectual who was sleeping with multiple women at the same time — that only makes him partly high value. The hallmark of masculinity is self control in sex which I talked extensively about in my last blog on the epidemic of porn and sexual apathy in this country.

Interestingly, because you are deemed “high value”, that gives you carte blanche to take advantage of other women and negatively impact the dating scape on a mass scale. Actual true high value men are like Tim Tebow — not because of his looks, his football accolades or his charm — but because of his FEAR OF GOD. The man has a spiritual spine not seen in alot of men these days. Most often that carries over to a RARE SELF CONTROL when it comes to sex. Granted, the man waited until he got married — and got teased because he wasn’t “taking advantage” of his high value situation to just get with women whenever and wherever he wanted. Taking advantage of his situation = taking advantage of women = jading their outlook of relationships and sexual relations they have in the future. Thus, the negative impact of these “high value” men is exponential.

If you are are not critically thinking about this then you will give into your vices when it comes to the sex you have available on tap. The culture will cheer you on for this attribute at first, but then women can come out of the woodwork, like in Huberman’s case, with a disdain for you. Your sexual past is alive and well: for every women you bind your body with, she WILL take you with her into her next relationship or marriage. Men actually imprint on women more than the other way around — so men, please head my advice today! You are the leaders in society. Stop giving into lust just because you have access to it — it’s the oldest sin in the book. Women, you can also help by having more self respect and agency to not give into premarital sex on your end. Gone are the days of men being excused from promiscuous behavior in the dating space because they have the halo of “high value” blanketing their reputations — and I don’t need to be Jean Grey to see right through it.

If you want to get the dish on my overall thoughts on dating, here is a platter I served up years ago (and its aging like Manchego):